Have you ever wondered how you can get free facebook Credits?
4loot is a website where you can search the web (based on the yahoo search engine). Every time you use their site to do a search, you have a chance to win 4loot coins. After you earn so many 4loot coins, you can trade them in for Facebook credits. The process of getting 4loot coins is easy and relatively simple. The first thing you need to do is Go here www.4loot.com/ and click “Connect” on the top right hand corner of 4loot’s main page. This will allow you to connect your Facebook account with 4loot.
Once you have linked your Facebook account with 4loot, then you can get free 4loot coins, and turn 4loot coins into Facebook Credits. Every time you search, you have a chance to earn between (0-50) 4loot coins. Most of the time, you’ll earn between 0-2 coins, but there is always a chance to win up to 50 at a time.
Besides searching the web, there are a couple of other ways 4loot allows you to get 4loot coins. Every day, they have something called the “Question of the Day”. They will ask a question through their Facebook page. If you answer their question, you’ll win some 4loot coins. You answer the question by doing a search for the answer. If the question is, “Who is the new boss of The Office”, do a search for “Will Ferrell”. They’ll send the question as a status update from their Facebook page. If you “like” their Facebook page, the question will appear on your news feed. There are a limited number of people each day who will get coins for answering the question, and 4loot will update their status to tell you when the “Question of the Day” contest is over.
They ask the question at a different time every day, but I find the question is usually asked between 7 A.M. and 3 P.M. GMT (or UTC). If you can answer the question within an hour of it being asked, you have a good chance to win some extra 4loot coins. You can also win free 4loot coins by sharing your searches. After you do a search, there is a button on the results page that says “share”. When you share a search, it appears on 4loot’s "shared searches" page. On this page, you can see other people’s shared searches. If you like the other person’s search, you can vote for their search. Whoever gets the most votes by the end of the day will win 10 Facebook Credits.
4loot will also give you 4loot coins for doing a search every day. If you search every day for 5 days, you will receive the following amount of coins:
Day 1: One 4loot coin
Day 2: One 4loot coin
Day 3: Two 4loot coins
Day 4: Three 4loot coins
Day 5: A random amount of 4loot coins, with the max amount being (50) 4loot coins.
If you don’t do a search in 24 hours, the site will reset back to day 1. Once you reach day 5, it resets back to day 1, and begins again.
There is a weekly competition for whoever can win the most 4loot coins in a week. Whoever earns the most 4loot coins in a week will receive 50 Facebook Credits. Good luck with this, as the competition is pretty intense.
After a couple of days of using 4loot, I’m averaging about (80) 4loot coins a day . I’m not exactly earning millions of Facebook Credits a day here… but hey, it’s free and I’m not working to get the Credits. If you search the web anyway… eh, why not?
Just Go to www.4loot.com/ To start earning BIG!!!
You Guys Are Awesome. Thanks